105.3 Nöqtə – WPTQ

105.3 Nöqtə – WPTQ

Cənubi Kentukki Rok Stansiyası

Located in Cave City, Kentucky, United States, 105.3 The Point (WPTQ) is an online radio station dedicated to delivering the timeless sounds of classic rock.
With a playlist filled with iconic rock hits from the 1960s to the 1990s, 105.3 The Point provides listeners with a nostalgic journey through the golden age of rock n roll. From legendary bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd to iconic solo artists like David Bowie and Queen, this station offers a diverse selection of classic rock favorites that appeal to music lovers of all ages.
Tune in to 105.3 The Point to experience the raw energy, soulful melodies, and electrifying guitar solos that define the classic rock genre. Whether youre reliving fond memories or discovering timeless classics for the first time, this station promises to keep the spirit of rock alive and well.


telefon 866-717-6468
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