1233 ABC ניוקאסל
מנותק לחיות

1233 ABC ניוקאסל

Located in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 1233 ABC ניוקאסל is an esteemed online radio station renowned for its commitment to serving the local community.
Dedicated to providing valuable information and news updates, 1233 ABC Newcastle serves as a reliable source of current affairs and community-focused content. From local events to important announcements, the station keeps its listeners well-informed and engaged.
With a diverse range of programming, including community features and informative discussions, 1233 ABC Newcastle fosters a sense of belonging and connection within the Newcastle community.
Tune in to 1233 ABC Newcastle for insightful news coverage, community updates, and engaging content that reflects the vibrant spirit of Newcastle, New South Wales.

אנשי קשר

כתובת 24 Wood St Newcastle West , NSW, 2302, PO Box 2205 Dangar 2309
טלפון 02 49 221 200
מנותק לחיות

נא כבה את חוסם הפרסומות שלך.

מודעות עוזרות לתמוך בפיתוח הפרויקט.