105.5 Земља орлова – КЛЦИ
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105.5 Земља орлова – КЛЦИ

Located in Vernal, Utah, United States, 105.5 Eagle Country - KLCY is an online radio station посвећена пружању најбоље кантри музике својим слушаоцима.
With a diverse playlist featuring both classic hits and the latest releases in the country music scene, 105.5 Eagle Country offers round-the-clock entertainment for country music enthusiasts. From beloved classics by legendary artists to chart-topping hits by contemporary stars, theres something for everyone on this station.
Listeners can expect to hear a mix of upbeat tunes, heartfelt ballads, and toe-tapping tracks that capture the essence of country music. Whether youre cruising down the open road or relaxing at home, 105.5 Eagle Country is your go-to destination for all things country.
Tune in to KLCY to immerse yourself in the rich sounds of country music and experience the spirit of the American heartland, wherever you are.


адреса 2425 Нортх Вернал Авенуе, Вернал, УТ 84078
Телефон (435) 789-1059
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Није на Вези УЖИВО

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