181.ФМ – Божићна забава
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181.ФМ – Божићна забава

Ваш животни стил ... Ваша музика!

Добродошли 181.FM – Christmas Fun, the online radio station located in Waynesboro, Virginia, United States. Featuring a mix of Christmas music, comedy, and holiday cheer, this station is the perfect destination for spreading joy and laughter during the festive season.
With a curated playlist that includes classic carols and hilarious holiday comedy sketches, 181.FM – Christmas Fun aims to bring smiles and warmth to listeners hearts. Whether engaging in gift wrapping, baking cookies, or simply embracing the magic of the season, this station offers an ideal soundtrack for holiday celebrations.
Join the festive spirit as 181.FM – Christmas Fun celebrates Christmas with music, laughter, and plenty of holiday fun. Tune in to let the merry atmosphere brighten your day and fill you with joy.


адреса 436 С. Линден Аве, Суите Б, Ваинесборо, ВА 22980
Телефон (540) 908-4332
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Није на Вези УЖИВО

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