беларус Хомиел 1. национални радио
1. национални радио
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1. национални радио

Добродошли 1st National Radio, your ultimate destination for the latest hits and timeless classics.
Based in Homyel, Belarus, 1st National Radio brings you a diverse selection of music to keep you entertained around the clock.
Whether youre in the mood for Adult Contemporary tunes, chart-topping Hits, catchy Pop tracks, or a variety of genres, weve got you covered.
Join us as we explore the vibrant world of music, offering something for everyone to enjoy. Tune in and experience the magic of 1st National Radio, broadcasting straight from the heart of Belarus to listeners around the globe.


адреса Беларускае радыё вул. Чырвоная, 4, Мінск, 220807, Рэспубліка Беларусь
Телефон +375-17-284-84-24
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