106-X - KRRX

106-X - KRRX

Рок Реддінга 106x

106-X, headquartered in Burney, California, United States, is a dynamic online radio station catering to fans of alternative, indie, metal, and rock music.
Dedicated to providing an eclectic mix of sounds, 106-X delivers a diverse range of tracks from established artists to up-and-coming indie bands. With a focus on alternative and rock genres, listeners can expect to discover new music, delve into the latest releases, and enjoy timeless classics.
From the raw energy of metal to the introspective melodies of indie rock, 106-X curates playlists that capture the essence of each genre, ensuring that theres something for every music enthusiast. Whether youre seeking the adrenaline rush of heavy riffs or the introspective lyrics of indie ballads, this station has it all.
With its finger on the pulse of the alternative music scene, 106-X is the go-to destination for music lovers looking to explore the cutting edge of sound. Tune in for a sonic journey that transcends boundaries and celebrates the diverse landscape of alternative and rock music.


адреса 3360 Alta Mesa Dr. Реддінг, Каліфорнія 96002
Телефони (530) 223-6200

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